How does this work ?
This service relies on machine learning to separate the vocals from the instrumental. We use the open source library spleeter developped by deezer's research team.
Is it free ?
Yes, up to 2 files per day (i.e. 730 per year) ! If you enjoyed this service and wish to support production and development costs and/or need to process more files today, feel free to donate/buy credits through credit card or PayPal. Thank you !
What music does it work best on ?
Results are better with acoustic music (jazz, classical, etc...). Voices with lots of processing (autotune, distortion) deteriorate the quality of the results.
I use Android and my file is not accepted !
Some Android phones display files as mp3 but do not actually name the file with the proper extension. If this is the case, you may try adding ".mp3" to the file name and uploading again. If it still doesn't work, you can ask for help through the contact section (send your file).
What do you do with the music uploaded by users ?
Your music is only stored for the duration of processing. Your file is immediately deleted once the instrumental is generated.
How long does my karaoke track stay available ?
The karaoke extraction stays available for 24 hours at the address of the download page. We reserve the right to delete the file before if necessary.
Can I use the instrumental track ?
We do not hold any claim on the files we process. Make sure you have the appropriate licenses with the license holders of the original audio file if want to use an extracted karaoke.
This "spleeter" you use, is it the same as in melody.ml and moises.ai ?
Yes. As of the writing of this FAQ and to the best of our knowledge, melody.ml, acapella-extractor.com and moises.ai all use the exact same AI library to perform extraction. Results for vocal and instrumental separation should be identical.
Automated use ?
Use of scripts/bots/automation is not allowed by default even for payed plans. Please contact me if you wish to use this service programmatically.
Contact ?